

Editorials & Ads

We offer full creative and production services for editorials and ads. Projects include campaigns, editorials, moving image or social media content. Our projects vary from full service shoots from start to finish to smaller roles in existing teams.

Services: Creative direction and art direction, concept development, photography, retouch, moving image and post production, production, studio, art buying and casting.

  • IBK기업은행 039-080694-04-028
  • 예금주 : (주)와이에스케이프로덕트
  • Company (주)와이에스케이프로덕트
    대표자 고광진
    Business no. 2658601707
    Address 서울시 동대문구 용두동 235-26번지 2층
    Tel 010.5720.4552
    인테리어 문의 010.5720.4552
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